stereo lithography file, 3D printed detail parts, CNC milled and hand carved PUR 30, polyester, fiberglass, various automotive paints and resins, laser cut mirrored perspex, archive newspaper articles etched on aluminum
50 cm x 50 cm x 52 cm
100 cm x 100 cm x 52 cm (with mirror)
Through a strange series of chaotic interlinking events, the artist’s backpack was blown up by police in the United States. Using 3D laser scanning technology, computer aided design, various foams and plastics - the backpack was reconstructed by combination of computer and hand.
The title of the Biennial exhibition, Birth as Criterion, alluded to a poem by the twentieth-century Slovene poet Jure Detela – a poem that provided the impulse for self-reflection. The 32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts sprang from a poem, one that did not offer the exhibition a guiding theme but rather, in its radical questioning of all polarizations, called for rupture. The disruption introduced in Detela’s poem was echoed in the centreless structure of the exhibition, which, stripped of the figure of the curator, operated instead as a self-generating entity.
with special thanks to:
Irena Boric
Erik van Emmerik
David Malehorn
32nd International Biennale of Graphic Arts, collection archive MGLC